Narrow No-Break Space (U+202F)

[ ]


Narrow No-Break Space Unicode character works alike No-Break Space.


HTML Code 
HEX Code 
CSS Code\202F

How to add Narrow No-Break Space character in HTML?

To add the Narrow No-Break Space character in HTML, you can use HTML code(decimal) or HEX code. Copy the available codes from the Shortcodes table and paste it in your HTML code.

For example: Narrow No-Break Space Character

The above code will show this result: Narrow No-Break Space Character

A HEX Code can also display the character in HTML.

How to add Narrow No-Break Space character using CSS?

You can show Narrow No-Break Space character using CSS by utilizing CSS shortcode or entity. Use :before or :after to insert symbol before or after an element.

Example:.elementClass:after {
  content: '\202F';

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