Hair Space (U+200A)

[ ]


The width of the Hair Space Unicode character is even smaller than the thin space character.


HTML Code 
HEX Code 
CSS Code\200A
HTML Entity 

How to add Hair Space character in HTML?

To add the Hair Space character in HTML, you can use HTML code(decimal), HEX code, or HTML entity(named). Copy the available codes from the Shortcodes table and paste it in your HTML code.

For example: Hair Space Character

The above code will show this result: Hair Space Character

An HTML Entity(named) or HEX Code can also display the character in HTML.

How to add Hair Space character using CSS?

You can show Hair Space character using CSS by utilizing CSS shortcode or entity. Use :before or :after to insert symbol before or after an element.

Example:.elementClass:after {
  content: '\200A';

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